Bring The Chaos

Revolutionary way for Singles to Meet

This is such a cool idea, we just have to try it here in Phoenix.
Bring The Chaos Party is all about meeting new people and expanding our social circles. Many, if not most of our Members are either on a dating app or have used a dating app in the past. The concept here is to invite people from a dating app that you would either like to meet or have met and think they are pretty cool and would enjoy meeting others in the same boat. We want you to invite anyone you would like to meet from any of the dating apps. If everything goes well you can set up a real date if not you are at a party with so many other options. We are going to provide a safe place for you to meet so you don't have to worry. By doing this we are going to Create Some Chaos I am sure.

On top of all this we are going to provide a Confessional Booth for those brave enough to go in a record a short video of the person at the party they would really like to meet and post those on our website.